Upcoming events

Master Programs Presentation Day

Saturday November 11th

Master of Business Administration

Master of Public Administration

Executive Master in Management Accounting

Executive Master in Human Resource Management

Carlos Hughes MBA Mitchell Labadie MPA Robert Kasanrawi MBA Monique Bueno de Mesquita MBA

The mission of the MBA program is to provide state-of-the-art post-graduate education in business administration in order to enhance the management capacities of professionals and their organizations and by doing so contribute to the development of the country.

The mission of the MPA in Governance programme is to educate mid-career students in public administration in order to make them more competent professionals, able to work effectively in the context of a developing economy faced with increasing challenges of ongoing globalization and regionalization, thereby contributing towards the quality of governance in Suriname as a whole. The Mission of the Executive Master in Management Accounting (EMMA) program is to prepare competent and effective management accounting professionals who will help to give direction to their organizations and to lead Sustainable success.

The Mission of the HRM programme is to educate HR professionals and managers who are committed to contribute to the institutional and capacity building of their organizations and make them highly competent professionals able to work effectively in the context of a developing environment with increasing HR challenges.



12.00 – 12.30h: Walk-in
12.30 – 13.30h: Presentation of the programs by Mr. Hans Lim A Po, Dean Director
13.30 – 14.00h: Program orientation and socializing

FHR Institute for Social Studies Mr.F.H.R. Lim A Postraat 10
Kindly register for the presentations at: tachanna.brown@www.fhrinstitute.sr or 422501

For more information about the programs please visit the website: www.fhrinstitute.org

or contact the Program Managers:

Master of Business Administration –whitney.bousaid@www.fhrinstitute.sr

Master of Public Administration – kirston.singh@www.fhrinstitute.sr

Executive Master in Management Accounting – nazara.kranenburg@www.fhrinstitute.sr

Master in Human Resource Management – xavora.lieuwkiesong@www.fhrinstitute.sr


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