Program mission
The mission of the MBL Programme is to improve and broaden the knowledge and skills of legal practitioners to make them more competent, able to work effectively in the context of an evolving legal system facing increasing challenges of ongoing globalization and regionalization, thereby contributing to the quality of legal practice and discourse in Suriname. FHR School of Governance, Law & Humanities with the support of The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University, the University of Maastricht (UM), The Leiden University and The Tilburg University conducts the programme.
Learning Goals
The MBL Programme’s educational objectives follow from its mission and domain definition. The overall objective is to educate and transform students into professionals who can function effectively within today’s domestic and global legal environment. As legal practice is no longer limited to domestic legal dimensions but also includes dimensions of international, comparative and foreign law, practitioners must acquire the ability to work effectively with these systems.
Learning Outcomes
Have profound knowledge and understanding of:
- the main theories, disciplines, paradigms and the intellectual traditions used in the study of law;
- the distinctive nature of law and law making in the context of a developing economy;
- the ways in which law influences society and vice-versa, at several levels ( locally, nationally, regionally, and internationally);
- the core object of the law ( justice) and the main instruments of the legal system principles. concepts, regulations, jurisprudence and doctrine,)
- the dynamics and functions of the law and its interaction with the global and the domestic society.
Have the ability to:
- formulate judgments;
- report, orally and in writing, on crucial issues of law and lawmaking on the basis of independent study;
- make well founded, critical and convincing arguments.
Have an aptitude for learning which:
- encourages and enables continuation of study on issues related to Business law in a manner that may be largely self-directed;
- enables to move beyond one’s own discipline or professional circle, but reach out to others working in the broad sphere of legal practice.