To achieve its mission, FHR collaborates with a number of international institutes to provide students with higher business education at international standards to develop and strengthen their vocational and professional competences and their commitment to the public good.

Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (MUSBE)
The mission of MUSBE is to educate and train undergraduates, graduates and professionals to function effectively in careers in international Business and Economics and to generate ideas that advance economic and management knowledge and practice. FHR and MUSBE have joined forces to offer the much requested Master of Accounting Program.

Rotterdam Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University
The mission of the Department of Public Administration and Sociology is to educate students in public administration and sociology, so that they can identify and analyze relevant societal questions, are able to advise on policy options to solve these, and organize the necessary processes to achieve these solutions. FHR’s Master in Human Resource Management Program is conducted in Cooperation with both the Rotterdam Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University and ISS.

The Hague International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
The mission of ISS is a research-led graduate school in social sciences that is teaching-based, contributes to public debates and influences public opinion and policy-making on issues of development, equity and social justice worldwide. Since 2003 FHR and ISS have joint forces to offer the Master of Public Administration Program in Suriname and since 2015 they also offer the Master in Human Resource Management Program in collaboration with Rotterdam Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University.

UWI- Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business
To improve the international competitiveness of people and organizations in the Caribbean through business education, training, consulting and research. The purpose of UWI-ALJGSB’s is to educate extraordinary innovative leaders who positively reshape business and society while constantly challenging the status quo of human development.

Tilburg University
The overall mission of the Tilburg University is to serve and enhance society to help citizens by developing, transferring and implementing scientific knowledge and skills necessary for its development. It was the opinion of Tilburg University’s founding father, Martinus Cobbenhagen, that those who want to understand society should be actively and consciously involved in it. This philosophy is still at the basis of what Tilburg University wants to contribute. FHR has collaborated with the Tilburg University for the continuation of its Master in Human Resource Management program, starting from the sixth intake.

The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (GLS)
GLS is a centre of Leiden University dedicated to research, teaching, and training in public international law. The Grotius Centre houses a variety of activities and programs, covering all aspects of international law, at the highest level of academia.
The academic expertise of Leiden University is paired to the everyday practice of the various international legal organizations in The Hague. FHR and GLS offer the Master of Business and Law program in Paramaribo, Suriname.

Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur
Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur heeft tot doel om bij te dragen aan de kwaliteit van (de besturing) van de zorg en biedt hiertoe goed gefundeerde en actuele postacademische opleidingsprogramma’s voor leiders in de gezondheidszorg. Als onderdeel van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam verbindt Erasmus Centrum voor Zorgbestuur wetenschap en praktijk. In samenwerking met ECZ en onder auspiciën van de Nationale Ziekenhuisraad (NZR) verzorgd FHR het Zorgmanagement programma aan leidinggevenden in de Surinaamse Zorgsector.